
tis of thee An unbiased reflection of the voices of everyday people
across America to the question “What’s the biggest
challenge facing America today?”
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An unbiased reflection of the voices of everyday people across America to the question “What’s the biggest challenge facing America today?”. A simple, and thought-provoking chronicle of a journey across the beauty of America in pursuit of the voice of her people.

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Is there a disconnection between our impression of America and the self-impression that is held by her people? In an age where ideology and agenda drive so much of what Americans consume, how can we capture a clear picture of what people are thinking in communities across the country? As it becomes more and more clear that our communication with one another is under more and more “guidance”, how do we get the real story from the real people about what they really think? By going directly to the source. Without leading questions. Without any agenda other than the honest and entirely objective chronicling of their undistorted opinion. This film is a look back at a snapshot of another time in America, just a few years ago. Prior to pandemic, prior to political upheaval, and prior to the great tears that are currently rending the social fabric of America. Is there something to be gained by looking back at our recent history? This quiet trip across America will show you why that is a question worthy of an answer.

Filmmaker Terry Holland has an eclectic perspective that includes creating and growing small businesses, coaching international Winter Olympic teams, community building, and expertise in the world of independent media. This is his story of a motorcycle drive across America and some of the answers that he received to three simple questions: How are you doing? How is America doing? What are some of the biggest challenges facing America today? Join him on a ride of exploration that brings us all to a thought provoking destination.